Scott Schmaren - Reclaiming Your Energy and Power - IHAVETHEPOWER


Scott Schmaren – Reclaiming Your Energy and Power

All of us were born with a powerful life energy and force that give us the power to accomplish great things.
Many people lose that energy or power during their lifetime or they have forgotten where to find it.
Isn’t time you recaptures the energy and power and everything that is great about you?
Now you can, with this powerful hypnotic recording, you will rediscover how amazing you are, and you are and use all your energy and power to achieve everything you want for your life and more.

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Álvaro Magalhães – Porto – Portugal

There were 3 very pleasant days, lived in the middle of a group of excellent people, listening and living very important teachings and that undoubtedly can help anyone to change their attitude in life, the way they face problems, the motivation for the realization of dreams, finally creating a new mentality in people’s heads. Dr. Adelino continue with your dream. Thank you for the moments you’ve lived.

Adua Reis – Lisboa – Portugal

Obstacles were meant to be overcome; targets to be achieved.

I have the power is like the sun, sometimes we can not see it, because the essential is invisible to the eyes, but it is there, you just have to be a little patience and you will see it fully discovered, spreading blinding rays of pleasure and joy of living. That is life!